Durian Tart!
Another pasalubong from my father's Tagum City trip, we had another durian treat. Durian Tart, short-crust pastry filled with durian paste. Tarts has a very special place to my palette, from the traditional custard-filled tart and down to the fruit-filled ones. Durians however has but an acceptable place on my taste buds, but because sweet treats made with durian has an exemption, I see nothing wrong about munching on these durian filled pie-cousins.
Now we'll make these heavenly tarts, which is as fun as eating one. You don't have to be a professional to make these, you just have to make these because you want to.
Ingredients are, we'd divide it into two because we have to make first the crust, then the filling.
For the crust,
1. 3 Cups Flour
2. 1 Cup Cream Cheese
3. 1 Cup Butter
For the filling,
1. 1 Can Condensed Milk (Large)
2. 3/4 Cup Durian Jam or Purée
3. 1/4 Cup Flour
4. 2 1/2 Tbsp. Butter
5. 3 Egg yolks
The Crust,
1. Beat together cream cheese and flour and when blended, pour in flour and stir. It would look halfway of a dough and a batter.
3. Bake at 300F, for about 20 minutes or at least it looks partially dry. Then let it cool at room temperature before removing from the mold.
The Filling,
1. Cook over low heat, the condensed milk, durian jam, flour, and egg yolks, gradually stirring until it has a thick consistency. Add the butter when the other ingredients are done.
The Tart,
1. Pour in the filling over the hollow tart boats.
2. Bake at 350F for 10-15 minutes, until the filling has set with the crust, and the crust is fairly crumbly.
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I wouldnt normally touch or eat the fruit, but in candied form,I love it.I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this durian widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about durian,Thanks!
Sure I will. :)
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